Empowering Mining Villages of
Chota Nagpur & Eastern Ghats


Pantiss Social Workforce Solution is a new world of professional social work learning. Our courses and programs give our learners must-have Thrive Skills to confidently navigate their most-crucial career milestones

Pantiss-LEARN - The contemporary professional social work e-Learning and Resource Network (Pantiss-LEARN), is first of its kind online e-learning portal developed in contemporary professional social work education. The application targets to benefit professional social workforce who are on field most of the time. This portal will support in training and capacity building for Community Cadre Professionals, Consultant with domain Expertise, CMMU, Community Organizers, Community Resource Persons, Resource Organizations, Research Experts and Social Sector Data Analyst.


The mobile application is available on Google Play Store as well as Apple Store.


Participatory research

Non-Profit Accounting

Project Scope: Meaning & Examples

Methods Of Data Collection

Pantiss Happiness Professionals

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